2024 NWOS Assembly
June 1, 2024
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Bowling Green
Registration Window
Registration after May 15 requires contacting assembly@nwos-elca.org
This year’s synod assembly offering and registration late fees will be split between our strategic ministries;
Salem Lutheran, Redeemer Lutheran, and Camino de Vida.
Childcare will be provided (registration required)
Cassie Mugler will be the Interim Synod Assembly Manager, assisting synod staff in planning the 2024 Synod Assembly.
If you have questions about the 2024 Synod Assembly, please email Cassie at assembly@nwos-elca.org
Worship Session Streams
Documents for Assembly
2024 Assembly
Business Materials
On the Way
Constitution, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions
Supplementary Report
Saturday Schedule
June 1, 2024
7:30 am
Please note that check-in opens at 7:30 am and will close at 9 am to ensure accurate credentials for voting.
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Bowling Green
9:00 am
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Bowling Green
10:00 am
Plenary #1
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Bowling Green
12:00 pm
Lunch (Provided)
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Bowling Green
1:00 pm
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Bowling Green
2:30 pm
Pie with People
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Bowling Green
3:00 pm
Plenary #2
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Bowling Green
5:00 pm
Sending Worship
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Bowling Green
Assembly Details
How to Determine a Congregation’s Voting Members
A congregation’s Assembly voting members can be determined by the following formula:
Please note:
- A congregation’s called Rostered Ministers (pastor and deacon) are not included in the above formula.
- A congregation with a Synodically Authorized Minister may have an additional lay voting member provided that additional lay voting member is their Synodically Authorized Minister. According to constitutional provisions, Synodically Authorized Ministers are not considered Rostered Ministers.
- Retired rostered ministers not otherwise serving a congregation may be voting members provided they register and attend the Assembly.
- Congregations are encouraged to have several alternates available in case their voting members are not able to attend an in-person assembly.
Please any questions you may have about 2022 Northwestern Ohio Synod Assembly to assembly@nwos-elca.org or by calling our office and leaving your question in the general mailbox 419-423-3664.
Nominating Process for Synod Council and Committees
The members of the synod’s Nominating Committee include:
- Alan Furhop, akfosu1@gmail.com
- Doug Pretorius, pastordougp@gmail.com
- Diane Ninke, dkninke@gmail.com
- Doris Mars, dharrismars@aol.com
- Tom Ritter, tritter1957@gmail.com
- Jarrod Schaaf, revjschaaf@gmail.com
- Matt Wheeler, matthew.wheeler612@yahoo.com
- Chris Young, pastorclyoung@yahoo.com
The Nominating Committee will prepare a slate of nominees for consideration by the Synod Assembly. Please contact a committee member before if you would like to be considered for nomination to any of the below positions.
Please note that any nomination not included on the Nominating Committee’s Slate of Nominees as included in the pre-assembly packet of information, will need to be a floor nomination. Floor nominees will be given the opportunity during the assembly to fill out a nominee bio form and once completed, the nominee bio will be made available to the assembly. Floor nominations may be made during the assembly meeting on Saturday June 1, prior to the close of nominations.
Synod Council/Committees Positions
The following positions to synod council/committees are open for election to terms beginning in 2022:
Synod Officer
Synod Council Secretary (4-year term, 2024 – 2028)
Synod Council (3yr terms)
North Central Conference RM (2024-27)
North Central Conference Lay (2024-27)
Southeastern Conference RM (2024-27)
Southwestern Conference RM(2024-27)
Southwestern Conference Lay(2024-27)
At-Large Minority (2024-27)
Central Conference RM (2025-28)
Eastern Conference Lay (2025-28)
Maumee Valley Conference Lay (2025-28)
Toledo Area Conference RM (2025-28)
At-Large Lay (2025-28)
Youth/Young Adult (under age 30) (2025-28)
2024 – 2030
At-Large Rostered Minister (2024-2030)
At-Large Lay (2024-2030)
2025 – 2031
At-Large Rostered Minister (2025-2031)
At-Large Lay (2025-2031)
Consultation Committee (6-year term)
2025 – 2031
At-Large Rostered Minister (2025-2031)
Churchwide Voting Members (Phoenix, AZ July 28 – Aug. 2, 2025)
Central Lay Female
Eastern Lay Male
North Central Lay Male
Maumee Valley Lay Female
Southeastern Lay Female
Southwestern Lay Male
At-Large Minority Male or Female
At-Large Youth/Adult Lay Female or Male (under age 30)
Rostered Minister Female
Rostered Minister Female
Rostered Minister Female
Rostered Minister Male
Rostered Minister Male
Resolutions and Memorials
Resolutions and Memorials may be submitted by completing the form to:
Director for Outreach, Calla Gilson, at calla.gilson@nwos-elca.org and Director of Administration, Cassie Mugler, at assembly@nwos-elca.org.
The due date for resolutions is February 28, 2024.
Sent by the Crucified and Risen Jesus to:

For the Renewal of Northwestern Ohio and the World
Get in Touch
Do you have a question or need something? Contact us, and we will try to help you.